To reach the farmhouse Google maps gives wrong direction. Please follow only this simple direction:
on Aurelia SS1 between Grosseto and Orbetello take exit Fonteblanda. Then towards Talamone. At the end of overpass, turn RIGHT in direction of Collecchio onto the local road "Strada Vicinale della Valentina". AT THE END of this road turn left and, AFTER passing a small bridge (signboard “La Valentina Nuova”) turn RIGHT onto the long driveway flanked with pine trees.
Address: Via Valentina 10
58015 Talamone (GR)
E-mail: paola@lavalentinanuova.com
Phone: +39 3483936030 / +39 3474751811
Whatsapp: +39 3483936030 / +39 3474751811